I've done a lot of personal reflection and research since my last doctor appointment [read that post here]. I learned I may be dealing with a uterine abnormality. Place that diagnosis on top of a luteal phase defect and health insurance that ends by the close of the month. My doctor was so kind and refilled my Clomid prescription so I would be set for three cycles, so treatments aren't stopping completely, but still. Starting September, we will not have any health care until I can purchase it from my employer. And I don't know when that will be.
Our future for testing and treatment has become very bleak.
The days after the appointment all hope was sucked out of me. I was thinking my chances were obliterated. I wondered how am I ever supposed to get pregnant with an abnormally shaped uterus and a luteal phase defect on my own? Is it even possible? If surgery is needed, how long will I need to wait before it gets done?
Over the past two weeks, I've done a share of research through Google.
I learned it is possible, but many websites say the risk of miscarriage is increased. The numbers and statistics were discouraging. Most sites said it needed to be surgically corrected for successful pregnancy and live birth rates to significantly improve.
On the other hand, I found websites with women who shared their story of giving birth to a healthy baby with their uterine abnormality intact. I also read a study that said a septate uterus is not a direct cause of infertility because the rates of infertility are the same as those with a normal uterus.
As you can see, I've found conflicting information. And will likely be conflicted until I can get a second opinion of what I'm dealing with. But from what I can tell, there is hope that I can conceive naturally. Well, as natural as I can on Clomid and my cocktail of vitamins.
In the mean time, I'm doing all I can to achieve pregnancy. I am taking an array of vitamins and supplements to support my reproductive hormones. I think I have yet to detail you guys on what exactly I take. I eat fairly healthy and don't smoke or drink [often]. I've almost completely cut out caffeine from my life and it is for the better! The Clomid is working on my ovaries to help me have a healthy ovulation. Chris and I are having timed intercourse. The HSG showed my tubes are open and likely flushed the cobwebs out, so we have that going for us.
We've pulled out all the stops possible. There's nothing more we can do right now but hope a little bugger decides to make a home in my uterus for nine months.
With little left in my power, I've placed it in God's hands. If this baby is going to happen, it's going to be his will. Please pray for us, that we might not lose hope and get discouraged. I have faith God will answer our prayers.
Sending lots of happy baby vibes your way! Praying you get that miracle!!!