Did I mention that I went to the ER earlier this month? Didn't think so because I am finally getting around to writing about it. And to think I was most traumatized by the three inch IV that they put in the crook of my elbow- Yuck!
I have had so many doctor visits lately I feel like a regular at the hospital on base. I'm surprised they don't know me by name already.
Anywho, I went to the Emergency Room for some pretty intense period cramps. Here's my story.
On Tuesday April 3rd, I woke up at 7:30 am with my trademark pre-period cramps. Knowing my period would arrive any minute, I sleepily stumbled to the kitchen to microwave my heating pad because honestly, a heating pad is my saving grace. I popped it in, set it for one minute, but before the whole minute it took to nuke was up, I was already bent over in intense pelvic pain. My uterus clamped itself like a clam and waves of searing pain spread throughout my upper thighs and abdomen. I hurried to the bathroom to get my prescription pain pills out of the drawer, barely sat down on the toilet lid, when my limbs started to go numb and my vision began to black out. I could not open the bottles of medicine. Through my gasping and whimpering I managed to wake up Chris. I brought the bottles over to him and told him to give me one of each. He did. I downed them. And for the next thirty minutes writhed in pain in bed.
I have never, ever been in that amount of pain before. It was a burning, tight, clamping sensation emanating from my womb. I could barely breathe. My body contorted as if some alien creature were trying to tear itself out through my skin. Chris kept telling me to lie still and calm down and that I was freaking out. Honestly I was calm. I just could not physically lie still.
I don't know what gave, but after a half hour my uterus gave in and relaxed.
If I have this experience to look forward to each month, I am not going to be happy. And nobody can convince me that this is a normal experience.
Since the pain became a dull ache after that, I went back to sleep and eventually went on with my day. However, afraid that something could be seriously wrong, I decided to go to the emergency room after work just to be safe.
I was admitted quickly. Given a urinalysis. Hooked up to an IV. And told to wait. So I waited forever for the doctor. He gave me a pelvic exam and told me to wait around for the results from the lab because they wanted to rule out pregnancy and an infection. Three hours after arriving they told me I was neither pregnant or infected and prescribed me some stronger pain medication. I was to follow up with my primary doctor.
A week later I sat in my new primary care manager's office, Dr. Henn. For once I got a doctor that would listen and she asked detailed questions about what was bothering me. She also did a pelvic exam (the third one in a week. Fun.), pressed on my tummy, and listened to my stomach with a stethoscope. Since I had been cramping for a total of three weeks, with mild constipation, she prescribed me a stool softener and an anti-spasmodic for my intestines commonly given to people with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). She thinks my intestines are overly active and that is what is causing my stomach cramps.
I started taking the medications that day and the pain stopped with the first dose! I don't know what it means for sure. If the IBS medication works, does that mean I have IBS? I have an appointment with her next week to see how things are going, so I will ask then. Perhaps, my cramping and my infertility are completely unrelated after all. We will see.
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