Welcome to Bundle Bumps.
This blog is my personal chronicle of trying to conceive a bun in the oven through having a bundle of joy. Problem is, I'm fighting infertility.

April 7, 2012

To the Baby Doctor, AKA the RE

For those unfamiliar with the acronyms most infertile's use, RE is short for reproductive endocrinologist.  Also known as fertility specialist.  Finally, 16 months after trying to have a baby, my doctor gave me a referral to a specialist at the OB/GYN Clinic on base.  This appointment was long awaited.

I arrived at my appointment early and prepared.  A blue folder held my BBT charts from the past year, Chris's semen analysis results, and a list of the medications I currently take.  Minutes after letting the front desk know I was there, I was called back by Andrea, Dr. King's assistant.  She weighed me, took my blood pressure, and confirmed my medications before sending me back to see Dr. King.

He happily greeted me and asked "Have I seen you before?".  I replied that no, I had not seen him before either. He then explained to me that he is a civilian doctor and has been in this field for 42 years.  He is not a reproductive endocrinologist because they did not have that title when he went to school, but he has plenty of experience with all sorts of reproductive issues.  He said he also likes to do his own x-rays and ultrasounds so he has first hand knowledge and because he knows what to look for.

Dr. King confirmed that I had been trying to have a baby for 15 months, and I corrected him that it was now 16.  Yes, time passes.  He first asked if my husband's semen analysis came back adequate, and I handed him the results.  He did a bit of math and determined that there should be enough healthy sperm to do the job.  He then asked if my cycles were regular (they are) and I handed him my charts.  I was amazed when he looked at just a few cycles worth of charts and said he noticed that my temperatures were taking a long time to reach their peak in my luteal phase.  He explained this means I could have low progesterone.  Basically, progesterone is secreted by the corpus luteum after ovulation.  It is important because it matures the lining of the uterus so that a fertilized egg can implant and go on to a healthy pregnancy.  If there is not enough progesterone, the lining will not mature enough to support a baby.  To find out how much progesterone I am making I must have a blood test about a week after ovulation.  Finally a step toward diagnosing!

Photo Courtesy of Jennifer Morrow on Flickr
The next thing he did was a pelvic ultrasound right then and there.  I can honestly say I wasn't prepared for that!  He asked me if I wanted to empty my bladder, and yes I did if I was going to have a wand up there.  No need to make it more uncomfortable that it was already going to be.  I put on one of those awkward hospital gowns that is held together by a tiny ribbon at the top, sat down on the examination table, and placed a blanket over myself.  The next experience was the coolest thing ever and a much better experience than my first transvaginal ultrasound.

Despite the machine freezing when he wanted to capture an image (they had to restart the machine WITH the wand inside me. Nice huh?) he was able to show me my uterus, my endometrium and a division of muscle or tissue that he noticed in my uterus.  Then he showed me each of my ovaries and what he thought to be my corpus luteum, which he said looked a little small.

After Dr. King got a thorough look at my lady parts, we sat down and discussed my game plan.  Like I mentioned before, I need to get my progesterone checked about a week after I ovulate.  He also wants to do an HSG (hysterosalpingogram) X-ray to determine if I have any blockages in my uterus or fallopian tubes.  He couldn't fit me in this cycle, so I need to call at the beginning of next cycle to set it up.

Back to waiting.  At least I am starting to get some answers on this journey through infertility.  I hope my lady parts don't require too much of a fix to get pregnant.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Thank you Lizzy. I have hope that this doctor will find out what the issue is.

    2. Lizzy, I am sorry, I deleted your comment on accident. One wrong click and it was gone! I do appreciate your support.

  2. It sounds like a definite step in the right direction!

    1. Yes, Jamie! I am so happy to finally have someone on my side TRYING to diagnose what is causing my infertility. Who knows, he could be completely wrong, but at least we'll find out something. Thank you for your comment and care. :)


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