Chris and I went in to see his doctor yesterday for what we thought was going to be his semen analysis. Dr. H did a basic check-up, ordered his tests in the system, and told us we’d need to go to the lab to do it and see what the protocol is. She asked us how old we were and mentioned that the national average age for first babies is 26. It was nice of her to say that but it wont mean jack if something is keeping us from getting preggo. She also asked if my cycles were regular and I said yes. I mentioned that I came off the pill a year ago. Dr. H looked at me puzzled and said that it is usually gone from the system immediately, but the Depo shot can take 18 months to disappear. I didn’t tell her that I knew for a fact from charting that my reproductive system didn’t actually begin to act normal until about six months after stopping the hormones. I am so happy that I have charted my cycles nearly from the get-go. After I asked what all the SA tests for, she set us free.
So, we walked down to the lab, took a number and waited some more. When our number was called we learned that the lab only does semen analyses three days a week and only two a day between the hours of 0700 to 0900. Obviously, they were booked up for the next two and a half weeks. January 5 was the soonest they could get us in. The lady gave us a sheet with instructions, a sample cup, and a brown paper bag. It could take a few weeks to get the results after that.
I’m so tired of this waiting game. However, I know with patience and faith we will succeed.
I have a doctor appointment on the 27th this month, so maybe I can get her to order me some labs then since Chris wont be able to get his SA done until the 5th.
Until then, we’re still trying naturally and praying for a miracle.
The two most powerful warriors are patience and time.
Leo Tolstoy
Leo Tolstoy
I am praying for you with much love in my heart! Thank you for sharing your personal journey with all of us. You are so dear to so many, Rachel. Please know you are surrounded by warmth, understanding, and most of all, love. God bless you and Chris!!! <3