Last time I corresponded with people in the Blog-o-sphere, I was awaiting the best time to take a home pregnancy test. I knew when I laid an egg because I chart meticulously and was counting the days past ovulation. For ttc-ers, the days past ovulation constitute a suspenseful period of time called the two week wait. All women know either the monthly gift will come or it wont. Those trying to achieve pregnancy pray it doesn't because that usually signals conception. However, those closely monitoring their ovulation may be able to find out if they are pregnant as early as 10 days past ovulation (a few days earlier than those just watching for their period) if they use super sensitive early pregnancy tests. So, starting at 10 days past ovulation I excitedly peed on a stick and was disappointed when I got a negative. I kept testing every morning for the next few days. Well, turns out I didn't get pregnant. So, here hubby and I are starting a new cycle of trying to make a bun.
I'm continuing with charting my fertility signs (bbt, cervical fluid, and cervical position), and I'm also adding an Ovulation Predictor Kit (OPK) to help pinpoint when I ovulate. Some of you may be wondering, what in the world is an "Ovulation Predictor Kit"? Basically, it is a test - a pee on a stick - designed to sense the surge in a certain reproductive hormone that causes the release of an egg from the ovary. And when the egg is released well it needs to be fertilized or no baby. By using the OPK strips we wont just be shooting in the dark (pun intended, nyuck!).
Needless to say, I've spend a lot of time in the bathroom catching, um, my liquids. I haven't got a positive result yet, but should soon. Wish me luck. We're going to need a miracle to make our bun.
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