Welcome to Bundle Bumps.
This blog is my personal chronicle of trying to conceive a bun in the oven through having a bundle of joy. Problem is, I'm fighting infertility.

July 2, 2012

I've Entered Guinea Pig Status

Medicines, blood tests, and diagnostic procedures have become my life on our infertility journey.  I keep trying new things in hopes that the next idea will work and get me pregnant.  And it looks like I'm in for more because we're starting over again. Yep, our first round of Clomid was a bust, but not a complete bust.  Part of me was expecting to get lucky and have those 5 little pills work their magic and get me pregnant like so many other women. But I wasn't that lucky this time.

I ovulated alright, and the annoying spotting shenanigans were delayed an extra day, which is good news.  However, the best news is what the RE told me today.  My progesterone level last cycle was 28 at 10 days past ovulation.  28!!! The previous two cycles were 9.2 and 9.3, so the Clomid tripled it.  I could not believe it when he said the number.  A level over 15 is generally deemed sufficient to sustain an early pregnancy.  28 is surely enough to get one started, right?

Since I responded very well to the Clomid, Dr. King prescribed me another round of meds and four more refills at the same dose.  Yes!  I will be starting the first dose on the fifth this month since I take them cycle days five through nine.

Here's where I really become a guinea pig - in addition to the Clomid, I'll be trying a few different nutritional supplements to give a boost to my reproductive system.  A B-complex vitamin all cycle long to lengthen my luteal phase.  Evening Primrose Oil and Royal Jelly menses through ovulation.  And natural progesterone cream after ovulation to help mature my lining.

All this is on top of the prenatal vitamins and probiotics that I'm taking.

I can't even tell you how many pills I'm going to be popping each day.  Okay, I could but I don't want to cause your eyes to cross.  And did I mention that I hate swallowing pills?  Have ever since I was a kid. (Insert Mr. YUK face here. Kudos if you know who he is!)

The things I will do to start our family.

On the diagnostic procedure side of things, I have an HSG X-Ray on the10th of this month. So, uhh, a week from tomorrow.  More information on that later though because that's a whole 'nother blog.

God is doing great things, please keep our family in your prayers.


  1. So sorry to hear the first round of clomid didn't work! Glad to hear the progesterone went up! Crossing my fingers for the next month!!

    1. Thank you! I am extra hopeful since the Clomid worked to fix my progesterone!


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