Welcome to Bundle Bumps.
This blog is my personal chronicle of trying to conceive a bun in the oven through having a bundle of joy. Problem is, I'm fighting infertility.

February 6, 2012

Swimmers, Semen Analyses and a Dead End

For some reason, I have been putting off writing about this subject. I suppose if I don’t quite have it sorted out in my head yet, it feels like it comes out a jumble in writing. Second, I feel the need to be sensitive to Chris’s feelings because I know he doesn’t like having his personal life on the internet for all to see, so I will be exercising caution.

In the first week of January, Chris went in for his first semen analysis (SA). He felt like the sample wasn’t good, and sure enough, it wasn’t and they couldn’t tell much from it. His doctor told him to go ahead with another one. No problem, right? The second one was scheduled for the third week in January. Annoyingly it coincided with my stress delayed ovulation, and I didn’t want to miss a chance to conceive, so he cancelled it. His next one was the following week, on the 24th.

Between the first SA and the second, I had two whole weeks to worry. I worried that he wasn’t producing enough semen or sperm. I was afraid that his years of working with chemicals and toxins from the air planes had done irreparable damage to his little guys. I feared that his reproductive organs had been harmed and that’s why we haven’t been getting pregnant.

Chris went to his next SA and had a doctors appointment the 2nd of February. I didn’t find out until after the fact that the appointment was with a urologist [a doctor for manly parts, I guess?]. He hadn’t told me his PCM referred him. Thank you, Husband. That morning after his appointment, Chris texted me that his swimmers are nothing out of the ordinary. He’s not super fertile but he’s not infertile.

A huge weight lifted off my chest when I heard that. He is fine! But guess where that leaves me? Either we have unexplained or female factor infertility. With me coming off birth control pills and all my end of cycle issues, I’m guessing it’s me. Now that the male is evaluated, I should be able to go to my doctor and start a work-up.

Yet, just when we started to get somewhere, I find out the timing couldn’t get any worse. Chris’s last day in the Air Force is the 10th of this month. The end of this week. Chris is looking into extending our insurance for a few more months and I hope it pulls through. Otherwise we’re at a dead end for a while.

Continue to pray for us.


  1. I had my husband do a semen analysis and when we went back in to get results.. I went in with him.. I'll be honest.. the doc that he had was GORGEOUS.. like the sexiest male doctor I've seen since Mcdreamy.. ya anyways.. I sat down with my hubby and the doc came in and pretty much said.. "everything is fine with you sperm".. he was normal.. he asked again how long we were had been trying.. and at that point it was like 9 months.. and he was like asking me if I was okay .. and I said I had no period.. and he said well then you'll never get pregnant without having a cycle.. and then proceeded to say that I should go to my gyno and get on clomid as fast as possible.. I was devastated.. he could've been nicer about it though .. I felt like it was all my fault.. and proceeded to cry in the car on our way home.. hubby told me to try the natural stuff and continue taking it and well it worked out for us.. but I know how you feel, it's a crappy feeling. :hugs:..I'm not a big hormone pill taking person.. my gyno immediately told me when I had no cycles that I'm definitely going to have problems conceiving.. and that I should try losing weight first.. but I needed it.. and then start hormones right away .. I felt like I had no real choice.. so I did do research on chinese herbs.. and even though it took a while to work.. I wouldn't of done it any other way .. just saying that it worked for me.. I know it doesn't work for everyone. :hug:. I'm sure everything will work out for you :)


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