Welcome to Bundle Bumps.
This blog is my personal chronicle of trying to conceive a bun in the oven through having a bundle of joy. Problem is, I'm fighting infertility.

January 17, 2012

2012: New Year, New Cycle, New Life

2012 is looking to be a turbulent year with some life changes up ahead for the Fairbairn family and it has only just begun.

January 1st was a bittersweet day. Long story short, I was hoping to get a positive pregnancy test [as I am at the end of every fracken cycle] and instead ended up melting my uterus into numbness. Fourteen days past ovulation and I was graced with the blatant reminder that we didn’t succeed this cycle.

What’s bitter is that ole reliable came a day earlier than usual. A day taken off my luteal phase is unnerving, though I was still well within the healthy 12-16 day range.

Ironically, the sweet part is I am now able to match up my cycle days exactly with the day of the month. [For those that don’t know, the first day of actual bleeding is considered cycle day 1.] Now I’m not superstitious, but I do believe everything happens for a reason. So should I think it odd that the beginning of a cycle winds up aligning exactly with the new year?

No, I don’t think it was a coincidence. I’m going to read into it and take it as a sign that God has a plan and is still working on it. He gave me a fresh start. 2011 and all the wacky cycles it held are now behind me. I can look forward to 2012 and have faith that one of those cycles will be one that I conceive.

The next week was uneventful. Back to work for me and Chris.

Then on January 9th, just over a week into the new year, we find out that Chris is FOR SURE getting discharged from the Air Force. I spent the next two days trying to hold my insides together. Our main source of income is going to disappear and I have no idea how we’re going to make it work.

We don’t have a set timeline, but he could and will likely be out by the end of the month. We knew it was going to happen but didn’t know how fast it was going to play out.

After hearing the news a week ago, we’re mostly just sorting through our options right now. With Chris not being tied down to the military anymore we could move back home to Washington or Texas. We could even move somewhere in between. The options seem limitless. With the loss of his job opening new doors, where we go will depend a lot on where he can get a job. Add to the mix that we both want to go to school and we’re trying to have a baby.

There’s a lot of freaking unknowns.

We know for sure we’re still tied down here until our lease is up in May. We’ll have to make some clear cut decisions about what we want to do in a month or two.

Pray that God gives us guidance.

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