This cycle isn't so dark after all. My chart is completely blank. I have nothing to go off of besides the positive OPK's and fertile cervical fluid I experienced. Yet, I have the first signs of possible pregnancy. Yesterday, yes on Thanksgiving day, I started to feel a bit crampy in my utero area. It’s possible that it’s implantation since I was 7 dpo (8 today). However, I cramp every cycle around 7-8 dpo so part of me is telling myself to not get too excited because this is the norm. I should be used to this by now, but it excites me so to think that I might have a baby growing inside me. I hope it’s true.
What do you think? Do you start cramping before you get AF? Or is my body just strange?
Praying for two pink lines.
I hope you do experience the joys of a baby growing inside of you very soon... I am pregnant now and an early sign for me was nausea/fatigue.