Welcome to Bundle Bumps.
This blog is my personal chronicle of trying to conceive a bun in the oven through having a bundle of joy. Problem is, I'm fighting infertility.

November 13, 2011

This is it, cycle number 12.

I entered this current cycle, my twelfth, with a bang. I woke up in the middle of the night with sudden AF cramps, then had like zero flow the next day. Yes, major WTF-ing over here. Since some colleagues and I were leaving for Orlando for the NAEYC Conference that same night at midnight, I was stressing. Aaand what do you know? I got the "gift" minutes before we left for the 6 hour road trip. The b*tch. And since I was traveling, this was the first month that I was not able to soothe my aching uterus with a scorching heating pad. Motrin can only do so much. Yes, I am whining a bit. So sue me.

The conference was still wonderful, amazing, inspiring, yadda yadda yadda. I attended mind opening sessions and saw performances by artists that I listen to on CD's with my students. My favorite part was attending a session by some notable children's authors. After listening to them speak, I HAD to buy their books and have them sign them since they were doing signings.  I'm such a nerd.  But that's okay when you're a teacher... Right?

While waiting in the book signing line, which moved slowly because we were given numbers when we purchased our books that allowed us to cut ahead of the numbers below us.  Good if you're a low number, bad if you're higher.  One of the young ladies that had caravanned over with us, I'll call her Ms. M, stood in line with a mutual friend of ours and I since she wanted her books signed too. Somehow we got to talking about babies, and I discovered she has been TTC for nearly as long as I have. I was floored because I have known Ms. M for a while, but haven't really gotten to know her well.  Imagine the bonding that took place over TTC stories.

Since we started TTC a year ago I have been basically alone in this journey. I haven't told much family because I don't want drama or endless questions and I definitely don't want pity. I have told a few close friends and they have been a wonderful support, but they aren't going through this. Ms. M, is going through exactly what I am. And I was completely refreshed to talk "shop" with another person my age also trying to conceive her first child. I hope we can become friends (and be pregnant together!) as we also are military wives and teachers.

Something Ms. M told me took me by surprise though. She is seeing an off base doctor and they told her it could take up to eighteen months to conceive after birth control. I was told I would likely conceive within a year. So now I'm confused. Either way I'm seeing my gyn soon if we don't get preggo this cycle, so I can get referred and begin my fertility workup.

This cycle I'm not charting my BBT, fluid, or cervix position, or taking any herbs in an attempt to "relax" like everybody says and get pregnant. It's extremely difficult to NOT do the fertility awareness stuff, but I think I will still take Mucinex, prenatal vitamins, and use OPK's but that is it. If we're going to undergo testing and treatments this may be the last stress free cycle we have for a while.

I'm praying for two pink lines soon.

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