Well, go ahead and jot down yet another perfect timing cycle that failed down in the log books. At this point, I just don’t get it. It’s hard not to get discouraged when we honestly are doing everything right. I use ovulation predictor kits, sperm-friendly lubricant, I am taking prenatal vitamins and cutting out coffee and soda nearly completely. I chart my BBT and cervical fluid, we “baby-dance” almost every other day during fertile times. I’ve even added fertility yoga and green tea consumption to my diet. And it is not working!
The worst part is, because everything seems so perfect I trick myself into whole heartedly believing it will work.
Then there are the symptoms. I have a slew of symptoms each cycle and they’re getting crazier. Perhaps I just had an off cycle. It sucks that I have to wait another month just to see if it is the new norm or if it was just out of the norm. For now, this past cycle was off and I’m glad that it’s over and I’m starting fresh.
Since I’m starting fresh I think it’s the optimal time to set my game plan. I will continue my fertility poses and meditation, but practice it daily. My positive thinking will be accomplished in daily meditation and visualizations of me holding a little one. I will also consume at least one cup of green tea daily. I will admit it is easy for me to obsess about fertility, so these will be my allotted fertility thinking times. Any more than that and it consumes me.
I suppose I’m going to have to pick up some hobbies to occupy my active mind. Cheers to a new cycle.
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