Welcome to Bundle Bumps.
This blog is my personal chronicle of trying to conceive a bun in the oven through having a bundle of joy. Problem is, I'm fighting infertility.

August 28, 2011

In the Two Week Wait at 9 DPO

We we first started trying to conceive I had no clue what the two week wait was.  I figured we were just supposed to have lots of sex and we would get pregnant.  I was disappointed and confused when we didn't get pregnant after one or two months- people make it look so easy.  This was before I knew when to expect ovulation and how it worked.  In that case, ignorance really was bliss.

Since I wanted to optimize our chances of having a baby I did my research.  I went out and bought Taking Charge of Your Fertility and read it cover to cover in a few days.  Next I started charting and checking my body's fertility signs.  And it was then that I really understood how the female reproductive cycle really worked.  Once I learned the different phases most women go through, it was hard not to obsess over where I was in my cycle.

Nine months later, we're still trying and I'm still adamant about having a baby.  Thanks to charting and OPK's, I'm 99% sure that I have ovulated and I'm in the waiting period.  I say 99% because I have learned that it is possible for your body to have all the signs and not release an egg for many reasons.

For the sake of being optimistic, I will say that I did release an egg and it possibly got fertilized about nine days ago.  I'm currently trying to ignore this icky cramping in my uterus and pass it off as normal, because it has happened around this time before with no pregnancy.  Only time (and a pregnancy test!) can tell.

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